I was shocked to learn of my new membership. Since that time I have attempted to keep a lid on the Worry Box. It helps. I am learning to depend on and trust the professionals I have chosen for my care – so far a surgeon and an oncologist.
I was also very angry at first. Angry when I learned that I needed a biopsy. I told my doctor’s assistant that I wasn’t going to do it. Dr. Joud must have known I would say that because the assistant said, “Dr. Joud really thinks you should. It’s 1.5 cm.” Damn! I trust him. I knew I would have the biopsy. I quit being angry.
I remembered the Sisterhood. I thought of friends I have who have had their brushes with the Grey Ribbon. Chemotherapy. Radiation. Surgery – would you like (a) lumpectomy with a dash of radiation, or (b) mastectomy? How about this? I don’t like the choices. Bought a book called Eat to Live written by an M.D. I want some other choices, please. I’ve got the Sisterhood. And I have my friends and family.
You are now in the sisterhood of women writers too. There is much comfort in the writing circles and support groups while you take the steps necessary to regain your health. This is a radical and difficult journey you are embarking on. But after reading your bio I have no doubt you are a surviver and a courageous woman. I am sending my best wishes and most healing vibes in your direction. You CAN do this. I will carry you in my heart at you walk the path, climb the mountain, and regain your health.